Droom also offers individual sellers the ability to sell their used vehicles to our large network of over 20k dealers for the best price and fast turnaround in a fully transparent manner from the comfort of your home. Buyers can return the vehicle before making full payment and the best part is every vehicle comes with six months warranty (up to Rs. From our mobile apps or websites, users can search for vehicles or create buying requirements, book vehicles, get loans and insurance, and finally get the vehicle delivered to their doorstep.

physical stores and thousands of people, the automobiles sold at Droom are cheaper than other options available to the consumers. Because Droom invests in technology and AI vs. Every vehicle sold at Droom goes through a proprietary and technology-driven rigorous 1,100-point inspection and certification for its condition, pricing, and history. For buyers, Droom offers India’s finest automobile buying experience online with trust, selection, low price, and convenience second to none. Droom offers India’s largest selection of automobiles with over 2.9 lacs vehicles online in 1,100 cities - both used & new, cars & 2-wheelers, and other vehicles too. Droom offers a 21st-century e-commerce experience for automobiles.